When is Revision Rhinoplasty Recommended?

Chances are you hoped your primary rhinoplasty would be your first and only nose reshaping procedure, but revision rhinoplasty is sometimes necessary.

Rhinoplasty is a rewarding procedure that can change the shape of the nose for a more aesthetically-pleasing appearance. Nevertheless, rhinoplasty is also a difficult operation that has the potential for undesirable results. If you have had a rhinoplasty and are dissatisfied with your outcomes, you would be a candidate for revision rhinoplasty to enhance your nose’s appearance and sometimes its function too. When it comes to a complicated operation like revision rhinoplasty, choosing the right surgeon will make all the difference. Iranian surgeons can fully explain the steps you need to take and provide you with helpful tips. Besides, the rhinoplasty cost in Iran is so low. Thus, by getting rhinoplasty in Iran, you can save a considerable amount of money and achieve your desirable goals. 

Why Would You Need Revision Rhinoplasty? 

There are a variety of reasons why revision rhinoplasty might be necessary. Although plastic surgeons are fully in charge of the operation's technical steps, the healing process cannot be managed completely. An inexperienced or under-qualified surgeon might also create results that are not in-line with the patient’s expectations. Potential problems for considering revision rhinoplasty can include:

  • Too much bone or cartilage was eradicated.
  • Not enough cartilage or bone was removed.
  • The nose has healed improperly with scarring.
  • Primary rhinoplasty created asymmetries.
  • Trauma or injury to the nose has compromised outcomes.
  • Cartilage grafts have become displaced.
  • Breathing has become obstructed.
  • Results do not match expectations. 

Also read: Rhinoplasty Post-Operative Care

Candidates for Revision Rhinoplasty 

If your primary rhinoplasty operation has resulted in an undesirable outcome for any of the issues listed above, you might be a good candidate for revision rhinoplasty. Despite the fact that rhinoplasty is primarily a cosmetic procedure, it can cause functional concerns if done improperly. The internal structure of the nose could be obstructed and block the airways, If too much cartilage is eradicated without establishing proper support. 

Whether your concern is of a cosmetic or functional nature, you might be a candidate for revision rhinoplasty if you are not happy with your nose following a procedure. Mostly, you must wait at least one year before considering an additional operation to be sure your nose has fully healed and swelling has completely subsided. 

How Does It Work? 

Since no patient has the exact same concerns, revision rhinoplasty is different For every candidate. If excess cartilage was eradicated and your breathing has become obstructed, cartilage grafts could be used to restore structure to your nose. Grafts may be taken from the nasal septum, parts of the ear, and even the ribs. Revision rhinoplasty can enhance the shape of your nasal tip and bridge and also fix asymmetries that resulted from prior surgery. 

Small alterations might be made under twilight anesthesia, while more extensive work will need general anesthesia. The operation can take longer than primary rhinoplasty, specially in complex cases when cartilage grafts should be taken from the ear or rib cage. 

Recovery is largely the same as for primary rhinoplasty, even though a small degree of swelling may linger for a longer period of time than for primary rhinoplasty. Typically, patients experience temporary numbness of their nasal tip, swelling, and sometimes bruising. Candidates return to work within 7-10 days and see their results enhance over several months, with final outcomes fully visible after 12-18 months.


Choose Your Doctor Carefully 

Just because you got your previous rhinoplasty was from one doctor doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to return to that same surgeon for your revision rhinoplasty. After all, if you were unhappy with the first time results, why should you risk being unsatisfied with their work again? 

Your best bet is to find a surgeon who specializes in revision rhinoplasty. Search potential plastic surgeons and see what their specialties are. Look into their experience and credentials. Check out what their patients think of them. Check out before and after images of their work to see if you like their outcomes and have the necessary skills to do the job. When you’re interested in a doctor, arrange an appointment to meet with them personally. Explain what went wrong with your previous operation and why you want another one. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want – it’s the only way the surgeon will be able to decide how to do your surgery. 

In general, if you intend to have these kinds of surgeries particularly rhinoplasty in Iran, consulting medical tourism companies like Aveheal is certainly suggested since they can simplify the whole process for you by informing you of the available options, determining the best kind of visa, selecting the most knowledgeable specialist based on your needs.