Hair Transplant
Hair Transplant
Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant

Taban Poly-Clinic

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Taban Polyclinic is located in the west of Tehran. Taban is the medical centre supplied with advanced cutting edge medical equipment. The centre offers the most high-grade services through a team of more than 100 specialized physicians and surgeons in all areas of treatments. most of the Polyclinic practitioners are among the best professors in Iran's top universities. You can find everything you expect from a multi-speciality health centre in a vibrant polyclinic.


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How this Procedure is Done

A hair transplant is a procedure that involves treating hair loss by moving better quality hair follicles from an area of the body (the donor area). Then they'll be placed in other parts (the recipient area) to restore hair in the balding areas.

Hair loss, also known as alopecia in medicine, can be caused by several factors such as male-pattern baldness, medication, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and trauma to the hair. Hair loss can happen in both men and women and is not limited to age.

Hair transplantation can be used to restore eyelashes, eyebrows, beard hair, and fill in scars.


Hair Transplant Methods:

Two different techniques are used for the extraction of the donor's hair.

Strip (FUT):

The first and most common method of hair transplantation is called FUT or Follicular Unit Transplantation (strip method).

Follicular unit transplant (FUT) is the traditional hair transplant technique that involves extracting a linear strip of skin from the back or the side of the scalp. The strip is then dissected to separate individual grafts.

It is recommended that the patient keeps his/her hair at a moderate length to hide the scar.

Its advantages are affordable, natural results, most of the harvested hair will remain.

But it has a significant disadvantage, which is it leaves a linear scar on the scalp.


FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

 In this method, the surgeon removes hair follicles individually from a selected area (known as the donor area). Then these follicles will be used as grafts and are put in a particular position into the scalp. The whole procedure takes more time, and the surgeon's expertise is an essential factor in the outcome.

The benefits are scars that are an almost invisible and faster healing process, but its more expensive and the harvested grafts are likely to damage.

Hair transplant for women

Female pattern hair loss is a condition that involves bald patches and hair thinning. Treatment of the already occurred thinning, and hair loss is irreversible in most cases. Women can experience hair transplant as a way to treat their hair loss permanently.


Why do we recommend a hair transplant in Iran?

The low cost of this surgery and qualified expert physicians are two significant reasons for this choice. Hair transplant is more widespread in cities like Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan, and Shiraz. In cities like Tehran and Mashhad since there are more applicants for hair transplant; consequently, there exist more experienced physicians conducting this surgery with modern methods for years.



Eyebrow Transplant in Iran

Eyebrow transplant is another usual hair restoration that is popular among women mainly. Eyebrows are disposed to hair loss, and factors such as hormones, aging, or constant hair peeling can lead to bald patches. Since eyebrows are remarkable features of the face, many people would try eyebrow transplant in Iran. 

The surgery is a bit more complicated because of the extra attention that must be provided to maintain a natural and pleasant looking shape. The follicle is removed from the back of the scalp area and is put into the eyebrow area; the procedure can be done with both FUE or FUT methods. Usually, between 50 to 300 grafts can be placed on each eyebrow. Aside from the shape of the eyebrow, each hair on the eyebrow has a different direction. For instance, the hair towards the nose is more upwards, and vertical, and some are horizontal toward the ear. As a result, appropriate transplantation concerning angulation is too necessary. 

The complexity of eyebrow hair restoration requires precise attention, and sometimes, the procedure might take up to 6 hours. Also, swelling lessens in 3-5 days, and you could see immediate results. You must look for highly skilled surgeons with a reliable track record to provide medical as well as aesthetical service.




Beard transplant in Iran (Facial hair transplant)

A beard transplant is a popular procedure among men. Only in the year 2013, 4,700 men living in the UK tried it to treat their patchy beards. The procedure is no different from the other hair restorations. It takes between two to five hours, and the result is everlasting.



You are the right candidate if:

You're losing your hair due to male pattern hair loss

Your hair loss pattern is fixed.

You have lost your hair due to trauma


You are not a candidate if:

You are suffering from diffused hair loss pattern

You have insufficient hair at the donor site

Your hair loss is because of some diseases and disorders such as thyroid gland disorders or blood-related diseases.



Hair transplantation is above 90% successful and will give you permanent and natural-looking hair. It is an investment worth trying.




Because the hair follicles transplanted to the balding areas are genetically resistant to going bald, they will continue to grow for a lifetime.​

No. The reason is that surgeons usually make tiny incisions to the recipient area and hide them under existing hair afterwards. Therefore, no one will notice them. 

Most people are surprised when they see how little pain there is during the procedure. Some discomfort is expected as the local anaesthetic is injected into the scalp. Once the skin is anaesthetized, there is no pain.

Hair growth is a slow process even in individuals who don’t suffer from hair loss. Sometimes, you may have to wait for about three to four months to see the initial signs of growth. The reason is the hair’s natural growing cycle. 

If this is one of your concerns, you can wear a hat or stay at home for at least three weeks because the surgical area will be shaved down in the operation to provide an ideal surgical environment and to protect existing hairs. Accordingly, it will be red and a little obvious for a while. 
As time passes, the hair grows slowly. You may be asked some questions about the changes made in your new appearance but almost no one can say for sure that you have got hair transplant surgery particularly if minimal work has been done.

When work is done in areas where there is existing hair, you might possibly lose some of it. It usually happens if the hair is weak. After a while, the growing process starts again.
Who can get hair transplant surgery?
These days, almost fifty percent of men over the age of 50 deal with the hair loss problem. As a result, hair transplantation is the most common cosmetic surgery for men. Many women experience hair loss or thinning problems as well. 
Genetic features, aging, injuries, or some medical disorders can be mentioned as the major reasons of hair loss. Hair transplantation can be successfully carried out for all people who suffer from considerable hair loss without considering the cause.

The operation will be typically completed within a few hours, depending on the amount of hair loss. If the hairless area is too large, several sessions may be necessary to complete the treatment. 

Through the procedure, the hair follicles or grafts taken generally from the nuchal area will be transplanted to the targeted hairless area. If there is not a sufficient amount of healthy hair in the nuchal area or in the temporal region of the patient, hair follicles might be taken from other body parts with hair, such as the arms or the chest wall.

To achieve your desired results from the operation, the hair follicles should adhere in the area where they are placed. If your surgeon chooses the most suitable technique for your operation, the success rate of the whole procedure will be high. For a natural look, the hair should be transplanted to the hair loss areas with a correct distance, correct angle, and correct density.

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