A girl in good shape in shallow sea

Thigh Lift in Iran

All you need to know about Thigh Lift in Iran and shape of confident legs

What is a Thigh Lift?

Some people are tired of poor diets and cannot get rid of their hanging skin and fat deposits collected in their thighs. Extreme weight loss or aging usually result in lax skin.

Therefore, the skin will gradually lose elasticity and won’t get retracted or tightened again as it was before. Surgeons recommend operations to these patients for improving their appearance.

A thigh lift or thighplasty is a surgery that resolves lax skin, fat deposits, and can enhance the overall appearance of thighs. This surgery is performed for inner thighs, outer thighs, or both.

It’s important to indicate that while liposuction can only remove excess fat in the thighs to improve the appearance, a thigh lift is a different procedure which addresses all parts of thighs, namely skin, fat, and shape.

Through this operation, patients do not lose weight. It is suitable for individuals who maintain their ideal weight but are not happy with the shape of their thighs. There are four kinds of thighplasty:

  • An inner thigh lift:
  • This procedure targets the skin in the lower portion of the inner thigh

  • A vertical thighplasty:
  • In this type, the surgeon starts the incision at the groin and extends to the inner knee. This technique is suitable for those who suffer from a lot of excess fat and sag skin.

  • Outer thigh lift:
  • This operation involves an incision that extends from the groin around the hip.

  • Spiral thighplasty:
  • This is a somewhat new technique in which surgeons reshape the front, back, inner and outer areas of the thigh. They make an incision below the buttocks, extending to the groin crease. This procedure is recommended to those who have lost considerable weight.

Depending on your skin quality, the area’s shape, the amount of excess fat, and your preferences, surgeons might decide to combine some of the above-mentioned procedures.

Why is Iran a good country for your thigh lift?

Many people think of undergoing this operation to have firm and youthful-looking thighs. However, a thigh lift is a costly operation in almost all countries compared to other cosmetic surgeries.

Thus, majority of candidates prefer to travel aboard so that they can have this operation done with a lower cost. Among all the countries which are making progress in the field of cosmetic and medical tourism, Iran is offering the most quality services and affordable treatments..

In addition, Iranian experts are highly recommended for performing such cosmetic surgeries specially thigh lift. They are well-known and the procedure results are satisfactory all the time..

They will help you understand the whole process and determine the technique which best suits your needs. In this case, you can ensure that your desired outcomes will be obtained.

Moreover, if you decide to get these surgeries in Iran’s specialized clinics, you will be offered the most up-to-date services with a low cost.Thus, you can save a considerable amount of money while traveling to this beautiful location for enhancing your appearance.

Thigh Lift Cost In Iran

Typically, the cost of trip and personal expenses are carried by the patient. In general, remember to review your treatment plan carefully to be informed of what's included and not included in the cost before booking the treatment.

With regards to both medical and cosmetic operations, money talks louder than any other factor in the whole world, except in Iran.

These days, Iran is attracting patients from all over the world because of:

  • High number of candidates for thigh lifts in Iran
  • Low cost of thigh lifts in Iran
  • Low cost of accommodation in Iran
  • Experienced and knowledgeable specialists

There is a dramatic difference between the cost of thigh lift in Iran and other countries. While this operation costs from $6,000 to $12,000 in the US and about $17,000 in Australia.

But thigh lift average cost in Iran is $1,000 to $2,000 which includes doctor's appointment, clinic, anesthesia, post-op recovery, follow-up, etc.

Undoubtedly, the cost may vary based on the surgeon's reputation and level of expertise, the complexity of the procedure, the city in which the procedure is carried out, and similar issues.

It’s important to note that highly up-do-date facilities and efficient services are offered in Iran’s specialized clinics. In a nutshell, if you are thinking of undergoing cosmetic surgeries, specially thigh lift, it’s reasonable to have Iran at the top of your priority list of options sine it is a good country to have thigh lift due to its prices.

$ 1200
$ 2800
$ 3200
$ 9000
$ 12000

Things to know about thigh lift in Iran

Types of Thighplasty

In general, there are four major kinds of thigh lift. They include:

  • An inner thigh lift in which the sagging skin of the lower part of the inner thigh will be removed.
  • A medial thigh lift that removes the loose skin and fat of the upper part of the inner thigh.
  • A bilateral thigh lift in which surgeons try to remove the loose skin of both the inner and outer thighs.
  • A lateral thigh lift, also known as outer thigh lift, that addresses saggy skin of thighs.

Inner Thigh Lift in Iran:

Thigh lift, also known as “thighplasty”, is a fairly complicated operation in which surgeons remove extra skin from the inner thigh. This procedure is usually recommended to individuals who have lost a considerable amount of weight and are annoyed because of the loose saggy skin on the inner thighs.

Through this operation, the sagging skin on the inner thigh will be easily tightened. However, in most cases, a scar will be made which might run down the entire length of the thigh if an extensive amount of skin is supposed to be removed.

Surgeons use shorter stitches for candidates with less amount of loose skin. Although the final appearance of the thigh scar cannot be predicted, the stitches fade away as time passes.

Spiral Thigh Lift in Iran:

Before going into the details, it’s better to clarify what a spiral thigh lift is.

A spiral thigh lift is a suitable option for individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight. These people are dealing with extra saggy skin because of their considerable weight loss.

They will not be able to wear any kind of clothing they like and they lose their self-confidence as time goes by. In most cases, exercising will not be of great help as well.

Consequently, they start thinking of having an operation such as spiral thigh lift to get rid of their loose skin. Through this procedure, surgeons remove the extra skin around your anterior, upper, and even posterior thigh areas. They also make your thigh look more youthful, tighter and firmer.

The big difference between spiral thigh lift and other types is that doctors perform this operation on your thighs from 360 degrees. Thus, your thighs will have a more even, toned look.

Another important point to note is that only a small incision is made which will be located right underneath your buttocks, near the groin crease. If approved by your specialist, a liposuction can be carried out as well to remove the sagging skin and enhance the tissue in the buttocks and thigh area.

A lower abdominal lift might be performed in combination with a spiral thigh lift too.

Thigh lift Procedure in Iran:

If doing regular exercises or balanced diets cannot remove the extra fat in thighs, carrying out a liposuction a few months before the main surgery is suggested to obtain favorable outcomes.

Thigh lift usually takes about 2 or 3 hours depending on the amount of fat collected in thighs and the technique employed by the specialist. In the beginning, surgeons make incisions in the outer thighs, the inner thighs, or both.

The outer thigh lift is mostly carried out along with a tummy tuck. The scar will be made in the lower abdomen. In an inner thigh lift, the incision starts at the groin and extends downward to reach the knee.

Throughout these procedures, the surgeon removes the excess skin and fat deposits to improve the overall appearance of the thighs.

Thigh Lift Recovery Time:

The length of the recovery process depends on several factors like the extent of the incisions, the patient’s age, and the kind of diet that is consumed after having this operation.

During the first several weeks of the recovery process, patients typically require to wear a compression garment. It’s better not to go to work for at least two weeks and avoid lifting heavy objects.

However, as soon as potential pain, swelling, and scars fade away by taking certain pain medications prescribed by your specialist, light activities can be done as usual.

There is no need to worry about swelling since it disappears after a while. In case of shortness of breath or extreme chest pain, visit your doctor immediately.

In general, if you follow all your medical team’s instructions, you can make sure that the recovery and healing process will be accelerated.

Thigh lift Results:

While you can enjoy the results of your tight lift immediately after the surgery, final outcomes will be achieved after a few months when swelling decreases. Your skin quality is also enhanced afterwards, and you will feel better with your new appearance.

Nonetheless, remember that as you get older, your skin gradually loses some firmness. If you live a healthy lifestyle and try to maintain at a stable weight, the results will be everlasting.  

Thigh lift in Iran Pre-Operative Considerations

Before elaborating on the suitable procedure with you, surgeons review your medical history, examine your body, take pictures for medical records, discuss your expectations, predict the surgery outcomes and raise your awareness of the stages you need to recover as soon as possible.

Before and after the surgery, you should avoid smoking and taking some medications like aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, or herbal supplements for a while since they may influence the results.

Thigh Lift Scars

In almost all cosmetic operations, patients will have to deal with scars for a while. Undoubtedly, a thigh lift is not an exception. During this surgery, depending on the technique employed by the surgeon and the severity of the procedure, some scars will be left on your skin which might be noticeable for some months.

Your skin quality and the location of the stitches are so important in this regard. Nonetheless, there is no need to worry about this issue, since all specialists try to make the incisions in areas where they can easily be hidden by underwear and bikini. In addition, your medical team will suggest using some products which can heal the scars quickly.

Thigh Lift Hospitals in Iran


This operation cannot be performed on everyone. Individuals who are seeking to have this surgery should maintain a stable weight, live a healthy lifestyle, have proper nutrition, and do physical exercises on a regular basis. Furthermore, they should not use certain medications and must quit smoking for a while before and after the operation. Having realistic goals and expectations is necessary as well because cosmetic surgeries might have potential risks or complications.

A thigh lift only addresses sagging skin of the thighs, while in a lower body lift, the surgeon follows a more complicated procedure and combines the inner and outer thigh lift with a tummy tuck and a buttock lift to help you achieve satisfactory results. This operation is suitable for individuals who have experienced considerable weight loss and suffer from loose skin, which cannot be tightened through exercising.

In a thigh lift, the surgeon removes excess skin and then tightens the sagging skin. Therefore, the contour of the thighs will be revealed. However, since the skin does not retract after being stretched, it’s better to remove some tissue to obtain favorable outcomes.

Since for many people, sagging skin does not exist only in thighs, your doctor may conduct this surgery along with other procedures to remove excess fat and skin in other parts of your body like stomach or buttocks as well. This combination does not cause any problem as long as it is believed to be safe by your doctor.

The majority of women and some men suffer from cellulite. It’s so annoying for them and appears when fat is pressed up against fibrous tissue in the skin. This problem is not easy to tackle and cannot be treated the same as loose skin, which can be easily removed with a thigh lift.

Patients undergoing thigh lift surgery can usually go back home the same day. However, since daily activities are better to be restricted, patients are highly recommended to ask someone to take care of them for at least a week after the operation.

  • You can easily find clothes that fit your legs.
  • You can enjoy long-lasting results by living a healthy lifestyle.
  • You will feel more comfortable while exercising.
  • Your self-confidence will increase.
  • You will look younger and more beautiful.