Laser Skin Resurfacing in Iran

All you need to know about Laser Skin Resurfacing in Iran

What is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Cosmetic laser treatments have been a popular anti-aging tool for many years, but these days, they are more efficient than before because of technological advancement. Laser skin surgery also known as laser skin resurfacing, laser treatments, or laser peels, tackle skin-related problems by destroying old skin cells and promoting new cells’ growth. By resurfacing the top layers of facial skin, doctors make signs of aging less noticeable.


Laser skin surgery can address the following problems:

  • Wrinkles & fine lines
  • Sun damage
  • Brown spots
  • Acne scars
  • Dull or rough skin
  • Uneven skin tone or texture
  • Non-responsive skin after a facelift


Despite the advantages laser resurfacing has, it’s important to remember that this is a kind of cosmetic surgery and may have its own specific procedures, difficulties, and complications. Thus, before making up your mind, it’s recommended to make sure that undergoing this operation is suitable for you.


Types of Laser Skin Resurfacing

The laser can be used for various cosmetic purposes. In the following, different types of laser procedures will be elaborated.

• Laser hair removal: It’s a cosmetic procedure in which a laser beam is used to damage the hair follicle. The beam of concentrated light quickly passes through the skin and gets absorbed by the pigment in the follicle. As a result, the future hair growth will be slowed and then completely prevented. This method is more effective for individuals with light skin and dark hair. It mostly costs from $200 to $350 in Iran.


• Acne scar removal: When the skin is trying to heal the wounds which are caused by acne, the excess collagen in the dermis will usually remain permanently. This issue creates acne scars. This condition should be treated quicklyto enhance your appearance. Depending on the severity of the problem, doctors can employ several methods to treat acne scars. Some of the non-surgical ones include skin peels, microdermabrasion, and laser skin resurfacing. The cost of this procedure in Iran is about $300 to $700 per area.


• Light-based treatment: The devices used to in this procedure can correct a wide range of cosmetic concerns. They are also helpful in treating various pigmentary disorders. These devices can precisely aim the pigmented lesion without causing damage to the surrounding tissues. Their major applications are smoothing frown lines, softening upper and lower eyelid skin, removing fine lines on the face, reducing skin redness and hair removal.


• Pulsed dye laser: This kind of treatment targets the blood vessels and shrinks them to reduce the redness of the skin. This procedure mostly requires 3 to 5 sessions to yield proper results which are often permanent. It is really useful for removing varicose veins, birthmarks, stretch marks, and fine lines around the eyes.


• Alexandrite laser: This method of laser therapy easily destroys the specific target area by adopting a process called Photothermolysis in which high energy wavelengths will be converted into heat and damage a specific area. However, you don’t need to worry about the surrounding area because they will be left unscathed. Experiencing pain during this procedure is a common complaint. Candidates may suffer from redness, itching, and swelling for a while as well. Birthmarks and brown spots which appear as aresult of sun damage and pigmentation can be treated through this technique.

Laser Skin Resurfacing in Iran

Laser skin resurfacing is a popular procedure in Iran. During the past decade, many people have been increasingly seeking this operation for enhancing their appearance. Prior to any cosmetic surgery, you should consult an experienced specialist to ensure that you are making the right choice.

In the consultation appointment, you must explain all your goals and concerns in detail to help the doctor select the technique which best suits your needs. Your medical teamwillinform you of all the steps you must take.

There are several major reasons behind the high rate of laser skin resurfacing in Iran. The most significant one is the society of Iranian board-certified and knowledgeable specialists. Iranian cosmetic surgeons are the ones you can trust to discuss all your expectations.

They have vast knowledge and wide experience specially in this field. Iranian experts are well-known in performing these operations particularly laser skin resurfacing because of their high surgery success rates. Furthermore, majority of them have graduated from the most prestigious Iranian universities and then completed special courses and fellowships in plastic surgery in modern clinics.

As a result, you can make sure that they will select the most appropriate procedure that enhances your appearance to a great extent, inform you of the whole process, elaborate on the stages you need to pass through, clarify the recovery and healing process, and finally give you handy tips. In this case, you will achieve what you desire with no worries at all.

The second point that is worth mentioning is that dermatology clinics, private offices, and surgical centers in Iran provide patients with excellent services according to European standards. Iranian surgeons do an extensive range of invasive and non-invasive medical and cosmetic surgeries in specialized hospitals and clinics across the country specially in major cities like Tehran, Shiraz, and Mashhad.

The third reason is the low cost of this operation in Iran. In comparison with other countries like Europe, the US, and Turkey that are achieving significant progress in doing cosmetic surgeries, laser skin resurfacing cost in Iran is really reasonable in a way that you can save a considerable amount of money if you decide to undergo this procedure in Iran.

Lastly, Iran offers tourists an excellent chance to visit some of the most exotic tourist attractions by taking them on a medical tourist journey. While staying in this country for having your favorable surgery in Tehran, Shiraz, Mashhad, or any other cities, you will be offered a list of the most popular tourist attractions you will definitely enjoy seeing.

Considering all the issues indicated above, getting laser skin resurfacing in Iran will provide you with a memorable and valuable experience in all aspects.

Laser Skin Resurfacing Cost in Iran

For any kind of surgery whether medical or cosmetic, money talks louder than any other issue in the world. However, this is not the case in Iran.Average laser skin resurfacing cost in Iran is between 400$ to 700$ which mostly includes doctor visit, hospital, anesthesia, post-op recovery, follow-up, etc. Based on the doctor’s reputation and level of expertise, clinic, the complexity of the treatment, and severity of the problem, the price might change to some extent.

Needless to say, by asking less experienced doctors to carry out this operation for you, the whole price can be cut.Despite the fact that the cost of a laser skin resurfacing in Iran is very affordable compared to other countries famous in this field, it doesn’t mean that the safety of this surgery in Iran is not guaranteed; somewhat the contrary.

In fact, the reports indicate that cheaper treatment given in Iran is not the key reason candidates have when traveling to this country for undergoing their operation.

Additionally, it should be noted that the cost of laser skin resurfacing in Iran and other countries is significantly different. For instance, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, this procedure costs about $2,330 per session in the US.

Consequently, by comparing the cost of this operation in Iran with other countries, you can simply reach a rational decision and select a destination where you are offered the most appropriate facilities and efficient services in well-equipped clinics.

Besides the aforementioned issues, low cost of accommodation in Iran, a great number of laser skin resurfacing hospitals in Iran, and highlyexperienced surgeons are attracting many individuals from all over the world to travel to Iran for having the surgery they want. In summary, if you intend to get cosmetic operations, speciallylaser skin resurfacing, it’s fairly reasonable to have Iran at the top of your priority list of options.

$ 700
$ 1700
$ 2100
$ 3660

Who Can Benefit From Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Laser skin surgery is so popular specially among people who suffer from lines, wrinkles, discoloration, and minor scarring on their skin. Before performing the surgery, cosmetic specialists ask you about your anti-aging goals and will finally decide if this operation is a good option for you or not.

If you are in good overall health and struggle with signs of aging, you can think of laser skin resurfacing as an effective solution. Nonetheless, if you have active acnes, deep wrinkles, very dark or loose skin, this surgery won’t help you. In this case, it’s better to try other treatments.

Things to know about Laser Skin Resurfacing in Iran

Laser Skin Resurfacing Procedure

Depending on your needs, surgeons employ various procedures. Typically, they use a special laser handpiece to directly target the light from the laser to destroy aged and damaged skin. Undoubtedly, the results will not be noticed immediately since the skin needs to regrow. This process usually takes a few days. When that specific area is treated, the surgery is complete.
There are two major types of lasers, namely carbon dioxide (CO2) and erbium. 
CO2 Laser Resurfacing is frequently used for tackling some skin-related issues like wrinkles, scars, or warts. During this procedure, surgeons use very short pulsed light energy or continuous light beams for removing thin layers of skin with minimal heat damage. Accordingly, the recovery process is short; at most two weeks.
In erbium laser resurfacing, doctors remove surface-level and moderately deep lines and wrinkles on the face, hands, neck, or chest. One of the advantages of this technique is minimal damage of surrounding tissue. It has fewer complications as well, such as swelling or bruising. Fortunately, the recovery process is even shorter compared to the previous procedure; only one week. Surgeons usually recommend this technique for patients with very dark skin.

Laser Skin Resurfacing Recovery

Although you want to reduce the fine lines, wrinkles or even acne scars on your face after having this procedure, you don’t like to take a month or more off work to recover from laser skin resurfacing. The length of recovery process highly depends on the kind of laser used in the operation. 
If approved by your doctor, you can place a wrapped ice pack on the treated areas for about 15 minutes every 1 to 2 hours during the first day or two to reduce swelling or discomfort. The initial phase of recovery process usually takes about one to three weeks and you have to rest for at least five to ten days. 
Within the first week, the treated area will gradually peel and new skin will be pink to red depending on the severity of the problem and depth of the treatment. This new color will lighten as time passes. The new skin can be covered up with an oil-free makeup within the first 10 days. Light exercise like walking or yoga will be usually continued after this period.
Your doctor may prescribe using certain medications. You must stop smoking for a while because it mostly causes some complications. It is important to avoid sun exposure for some months as well by wearing hats and sunglasses because it may darken your skin. During this period, use sunscreen lotions suitable for sensitive skin. Your surgeon explains the best type of sunscreen lotions for you in advance to protect the treated areas properly. You don’t need to worry about your skin redness, stinging or itching throughout the recovery process since all these complications fade away after several weeks. After the second week, majority of patients are able to go back to work and do their daily routine activities. 
During the next phase of the recovery process, most patients must clean the treated areas two to five times a day depending on the doctor’s viewpointwith saline or a diluted vinegar solution. A vinegar solution is 1 teaspoon of white vinegar in 2 cups of water. You should soak gauze in the vinegar solution and then carefully apply the wet gauze to the treated areas for 10 to 15 minutes. Afterwards, using gentle pressure, the treated area must be wiped.
Surgeons typically repeat the procedures at three to six week intervals to achieve favorable results.Post-treatment care is of special significance in this regard. In order to have an easier recovery, it’s better to sleep with an extra pillow at nights to elevate your head.


Laser Skin Resurfacing Results

After laser resurfacing, your skin might still look red or pink. The color usually changes to normal after several months, depending on the type of laser used by your surgeon. Fortunately, after the treatment, you will notice the change made in your skin appearance as time passes. You can also enjoy the results for years.
If you live a healthy lifestyle and keep using suitable sunscreen lotions, you can make sure that the surgery’s results will last for many years. However, it’s important to remember that none of cosmetic surgeries can stop the aging process. As you get older, lines will appear on your skin.
Sun damage may worsen the situation as well. Thus, taking care of yourself plays a significant role in lengthening the period of time you enjoy the new appearance and quality of your skin.

Laser Skin Resurfacing Pre-Operative Considerations

Before having this operation, you should talk about your goals and expectations, medical conditions such as drug allergies, and current medications like vitamins or herbal supplements you use.
Then, your neck lift surgeon will:
  • Review your medical history
  • Ask you about previous surgeries
  • Evaluate your overall health
  • Examines your skin thoroughly
  • Order some lab tests
  • Take photos for your medical record
  • Ask you to stop smoking for at least two weeks before and after the surgery since tobacco will slow both recovery and healing process
  • Ask you to avoid taking some medications or supplements that may influence clotting such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or vitamin E for about ten days before surgery
  • Discuss the available options
  • Determine the best kind of treatment
  • Ask you to use a suitable sunscreen lotion since too much sun exposure before the operation can cause pigmentation in treated areas
  • Prescribe an antibiotic to avoid probable complications like bacterial infections or cold sores

Laser Skin Resurfacing Acne

Doctors usually implement a procedure called ablative laser resurfacing to remove the upper layers of skin from acne. They use a wand-like laser instrument to remove old skin cells. As time goes by, the newer youthful cells will be revealed. In addition, ablative laser resurfacing heats the skin layers underneath to promote collagen production. This kind of protein plays a significant role in stimulating skin in the treatment area to heal quickly.
Before the procedure:
  • Inform your doctor of any allergy orany susceptibility to cold sores or fever blisters around the mouth. The main reason is that the procedure can increase the risk.
  • Avoid medications or supplements such as aspirin, ibuprofen or vitamin E that can affect blood clotting for at least 10 days before the operation.
  • Avoid smoking for two weeks before and after the procedure.

Laser Skin Resurfacing Hospitals in Iran

Laser Skin Resurfacing FAQs

Yes. Based on your expectations, needs, and goals, your cosmetic surgeon may adopt several procedures. If you prefer undergoing several procedures such as facelift along with laser treatment, it’s better to talk to your doctor about your decision in advance.

There are two major types of laser treatments: ablative and non-ablative.
Ablative lasers are highly useful for tackling the problems caused by the aging process. These lasers usually reduce skin wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, and similar skin-related issues. If your doctor employs this technique, most treatments will typically be one-time procedures. Nevertheless, you should remember that since this technique is more complex compared to the second one, the recovery process will be a bit lengthy.
Non-ablative lasers are more suitable for individuals who struggle with moderate signs of aging which have not become that much noticeable yet. It’s also recommended to patients with very dark skin. These treatments can be repeated if approved by your cosmetic surgeon. The recovery process does not take much time to complete.

While the face is the most common area chosen to be treated, some patients desire to have the operation on their hands, neck, and chest areas as well since they may be damaged by the sun as time goes by.

You should be patient because the results of this surgery appear gradually. Depending on the complexity of the operation, you may have to wait for a couple of months to see the favorable results. Indeed, when your skin redness and swelling fade away, the final results will appear.

After the treatment, your skin becomes much more sensitive to sun damage compared to the past. Treated skin should be protected from the sun, particularly for the first six months. During this period, you should always use suitable sunscreen lotions before leaving the house.