Cataract Surgery in Iran

All you need to know about Cataract Surgery in Iran

What is Cataract Surgery?

The purpose of your lens is to refract(bend) light rays that come into your eye to help you see. Your own lens must be clear, but with a cataract it is cloudy. Having a cataract may be like looking through a foggy or dusty car windshield. Things might look blurry, hazy, or less colorful. The only way to eradicate a cataract is with surgery. Your ophthalmologist will suggest removing a cataract when it keeps you from doing things you need to do.
Light rays entering your eye with a clear lens are focused properly on the retina. During cataract operation, your cloudy natural lens is removed to be replaced with a clear artificial lens which is called an intraocular lens (IOL).

Cataract Surgery in Iran

Before undergoing all kinds of operations, whether cosmetic or medical, you must consult an experienced doctor. You should feel free to express your concerns, talk about your desired expectations, and ask questions. Afterwards, specialists will evaluate your overall health condition and select the best type of treatment based on your needs. They will also clarify the stages that you should pass through and offer you some handy tips to follow during the recovery and healing process.
Since the costs of almost all surgeries have increased dramatically in all countries around the world over the last decade, candidates are becoming motivated to get the operation they need such as Cataract Surgery in Iran. This surgery is done in well-equipped clinics and modern hospitals accredited by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. Iranian eye surgeons and doctors are highly proficient and skillful. The majority of them are members of European and American societies of plastic surgery or other specialties who have passed advanced fellowships and specialized courses in this kind of operation successfully. Due to the fact that they do hundreds of eye surgeries every year during their professional career, you can ensure that the whole procedure will be explained in detail, the available options will be mentioned, and finally, specific instructions on the recovery process will be given. 
Needless to say, without renowned doctors and specialists, Iran wouldn’t have been able to become one of the leading countries in this field and receive many patients from around the world particularly European countries. Recently, Iran has set a new record in successful eye operations.
Besides all the points mentioned so far, these operations are carried out in Iran’s specialty clinics which offer surgical treatments for all kinds of eye illnesses. In these hospitals, patients are provided with excellent facilities and quality services at a low cost. As a result, you will be able to save a considerable amount of money if you decide to undergo Cataract Surgery in Iran.

Cataract Surgery Cost in Iran

Average Cataract Surgery Cost in Iran ranges from $1000 to $1,500. This cost mainly includes doctor visits, clinic, anesthesia, medications, post-op recovery, follow-up, etc. Depending on the doctor's reputation and level of expertise, the complexity of the procedure, and clinic, the price may vary. Undoubtedly, if you intend to lower the cost, it’s better to ask less experienced doctors to do this operation for you. Like all other surgeries, Cataract Surgery Cost in Iran is more affordable compared to other countries in the world. For instance, the average cost of this procedure is about $6,800 in the U.S and around £5,400 in the UK.
Thus, by simply searching the cost of Cataract Surgery in several countries famous in this field, you can make a wise decision and select a destination in which you are offered first-class and efficient services in specialized clinics.
In a nutshell, these days, Iran is attracting candidates from all over the world because of several reasons. They include:
• High number of candidates for Cataract Surgery in Iran
• Low cost of accommodation in Iran
• Low cost of Cataract Surgery in Iran
• Experienced and knowledgeable surgeons
If you want to travel to Iran to undergo Cataract Surgery, it’s highly suggested to consult with a medical tourism company like Aveheal. They are incredibly helpful because by elaborating on the available alternatives, finding the most experienced and knowledgeable surgeon based on your expectations, and choosing the best sort of visa, they can simplify the entire process for you. In this case, you can feel assured that all your favorable results will be obtained in the best way possible.
$ 1500
$ 3500
$ 5000

Who Can Benefit From Cataract Surgery?

If you have a cataract, that doesn't necessarily mean you need an operation. You might not even notice any change in your vision. Some individuals who have this condition see just fine if they use prescription glasses, magnifying lens, or rely on brighter lighting.
But as cataracts grow, they may cause more symptoms. You could have a dim or blurred vision. You might also have double vision when you look at things through the eye with the cataract. These issues can make it hard to read, work on a computer, and do anything else that calls for clear eyesight. The most typical symptoms of a cataract are:
• You may be sensitive to glare. Headlights, lamps, or sunlight may appear too bright. A halo might appear around lights.
• Frequent prescription is changed in your contact lenses or eyeglasses.
• multiple images or Double vision in one eye. (This symptom might clear as the cataract gets larger.)
• Cloudy or blurry vision.
• Poor night vision.
• Colors seem faded.
In some cases, you might need to get surgery even if your cataract doesn't bother you. Your doctor might suggest it if the cataract is large enough to crowd the inside of your eye, which can lead to increasing pressure in the eye. 
To determine whether you have a cataract, your surgeon will review your symptoms, medical history, and perform an eye examination. Your doctor might conduct several tests, including:
• Retinal exam: Retinal imaging takes a digital picture of the back of your eye. It shows the optic disk (a spot on the retina that holds the optic nerve, which sends information to the brain), the retina (where light and images hit), and blood vessels. This helps your optometrist or ophthalmologist find certain diseases and check the health of your eyes. 
• Visual acuity test: By usage of an eye chart to measure how well you can read a series of letters.
• Slit-lamp examination: A slit lamp is a microscope with a bright light used during this exam for giving a closer look at the different structures at the front of the eye and inside the eye to your ophthalmologist.

Things to know about Cataract Surgery in Iran

Cataract Surgery Procedure

Cataract operation, usually an outpatient procedure, takes an hour or less to perform. Firstly, your doctor will place eye drops in your eye to dilate your pupil. You will receive local anesthetics to numb the area, and you might be given a sedative to help you relax. If you're given a sedative, you might remain awake, but groggy, during the procedure.
During cataract surgery, the clouded lens is eradicated, and a clear artificial lens is usually implanted. Sometimes, however, a cataract might be removed without implanting an artificial lens. There are two surgical methods used to remove cataracts include:
• Using an ultrasound probe for breaking up the lens for removal: During an operation called phacoemulsification, a tiny incision in the front of your eye (cornea) is made and a needle-thin probe into the lens substance where the cataract has formed is inserted.
A probe, which transmits ultrasound waves is used to break up (emulsify) the cataract and suction out the fragments. The very back of the lens capsule is leftintact to serve as a place for the artificial lens to rest. Stitches might be used to close the tiny incision in your cornea at the completion of the operation.
• Making an incision in the eye to remove the lens in one piece: A less frequently used method called extracapsular cataract extraction needs a larger incision than that used for phacoemulsification. Through this larger incision, a surgical tool is used to remove the front capsule of the lens and the cloudy lens comprising the cataract. The very back capsule of your lens is left in place to serve as a place for the artificial lens to rest.
This procedure might be performed if you have certain eye complications. With the larger incision, stitches are needed.
When the cataract has been removed by either phacoemulsification or extracapsular extraction, the artificial lens is implanted into the empty lens capsule.

Cataract Surgery Recovery

An uncomplicated cataract surgery usually lasts only about 15 minutes. But expect to stay at the surgical center for 90 minutes or longer, since extra time is required to prepare you for surgery (dilating your pupil; administering preoperative medication) and for a brief post-operative instructions and evaluation about your cataract surgery recovery before you leave.
You should have someone drive you home following cataract operation; do not attempt to drive until you have visited your eye surgeon the day after operation and doctor tests your vision to confirms that you are safe to drive.
Medicated eye drops will be prescribed to use several times each day for a few weeks after cataract surgery. Besides, You must wear your protective eye shield while sleeping or napping for about a week following surgery. To protect your eyes from sunlight and other bright light while your eye recovers, you should use a special pair of post-operative sunglasses.
Also, many centers need someone to be with you after cataract operation if you received anesthesia. Ensure to ask about this requirement prior to your cataract operation, so you are prepared for surgery day.
While your eye heals, you may experience some eye blurred and redness vision during the first few days or even weeks after the procedure.
During at least the first week of your recovery, it is crucial that you prevent:
• Heavy lifting and strenuous activity (nothing over 25 pounds).
• Exercising, bending, and similar activities that may stress your eye while it is healing.
• Water that may splash into your eye and cause infection. Keep your eye closed while bathing or showering. Also, prevent swimming or hot tubs for at least two weeks.
• Any kind of activity that would expose your healing eye to dust, grime, or other infection-causing contaminants.
Your cataract surgeon might give you other instructions and suggestions for your cataract surgery recovery, depending on your specific needs and the result of your procedure. 
If you need cataract operation in both eyes, your surgeon usually will prefer that you wait one to three weeks between surgeries, so your first eye has healed sufficiently and you have good vision in that eye before the second operation is performed.


Cataract Surgery Results

Cataract operation successfully restores vision in the majority of individuals who have the procedure.
People who have had cataract surgery might develop a secondary cataract. The medical term for this common complication is known as posterior capsule opacification (PCO). This occurs when the back of the lens capsule (the part of the lens that wasn't eradicated during surgery and that now supports the lens implant) becomes cloudy and impairs your vision.
Posterior capsule opacification (PCO) is treated with a painless, five-minute outpatient operation called  YAG (yttrium-aluminum-garnet) laser capsulotomy. In YAG laser capsulotomy, a small opening in the clouded capsule is made by a laser beam for providing a clear path through which the light can pass.
Following the operation, you usually stay in the doctor's office for about an hour to be ensured your eye pressure doesn't rise. Other complications are rare but can include increased eye pressure and retinal detachment.

Cataract Surgery Pre-Operative Considerations

A week or so before your operation, your doctor performs a painless ultrasound test to measure the shape and size of your eye. This helps determine the right kind of lens implant (intraocular lens, or IOL).
Nearly everyone who has cataract operations will be given IOLs. These lenses enhance your vision by focusing light on the back of your eye. You won't be able to feel or see the lens. It needs no care and becomes a permanent part of your eye.
A variety of IOLs with different features are available. Before the operation, discuss the risks and benefits and of the different kinds of IOLs with your eye doctor to determine what's best for you. The cost might also be a factor, as insurance companies may not pay for all kinds of lenses. Some of the types of lenses available include:
• Fixed-focus monofocal: This kind of lens has a single focus strength for distance vision. Reading will generally need the use of reading glasses.
• Accommodating-focus monofocal: despite the fact that these lenses only have a single focusing strength, they are able to respond to eye muscle movements and shift focus to distant or near objects.
• Astigmatism correction (toric): If you suffer from a significant astigmatism, a toric lens can help for the correction of your vision.
• Multifocal: These lenses are similar to glasses with progressive or bifocal lenses. Different areas of the lens have different focusing strengths, allowing for near, medium and far vision.
The doctor may also advise you to undergo additional health checkup before the surgery.

Cataract Surgery Hospitals in Iran

Cataract Surgery FAQs

Yes, the chances of having cataract operation are higher among patients over age 50. Nearly all individuals above the age of 75 will require to do this surgery. However, congenital cataracts are a rare but possible case among infants. Congenital cataracts are more frequent among infants of mothers who had chickenpox or other infectious diseases during their pregnancy. Congenital cataracts can also be inherited.

Yes, typically, you are awake during cataract operation. If the idea of being awake during cataract operation concerns you, fear not — you will be given oral medication before cataract procedure so you are fully relaxed and feel no discomfort.

This happens when the lens capsule, the membrane that wasn't eradicated during surgery and supports the lens implant, becomes cloudy and impairs your vision. Another term for this condition is PCO (posterior capsular opacification). A secondary cataract can develop months or years after cataract surgery.

You can wash or shower your hair the day after the operation. Keep water, shampoo, soap, hair spray, and shaving lotion out of your eye, specially for the first week. Do not rub or put pressure on your eye for at least one week. Do not wear eye makeup for 1 to 2 weeks.

Immediately following the cataract procedure, it is, in fact, normal to have blurry vision. Within 48 hours, many cataracts candidates see a significant enhancement in their vision. It is possible that your vision could take one to two weeks to adjust and settle.