Arm Lift in Iran

All You Need To Know about Arm Lift in Iran

What is an Arm Lift?

Some people suffer from loose skin after considerable weight loss. The results of poor diets are not the same for all individuals. Fluctuations in weight, getting older and also heredity can lead to sagging skin specially in your upper arms. For many people upper arms are problematic areas of body in which fat is collected.

In some cases, diets or exercising can be helpful. However, it’s important to note that while exercising can improve muscles, it can’t tackle excess skin caused by extreme weight loss. In addition, the role aging plays in this regard should not be ignored since as you get older, your skin loses its elasticity and firmness.

If you have such problems and cannot get rid of excess loose skin in your upper arms by having diets or exercising, an arm lift or Brachioplasty may be an effective solution for you. Through this operation, surgeons remove extra fat and skin above the elbow for improving your appearance.

Women and men who are in good overall health but suffer from drooping skin or fat in the upper arm can think of arm lift as a possible option. This is also suitable for nonsmokers with stable weight. Candidates should have realistic expectations as well. In other words, you should get this surgery for enhancing your appearance. If you want to have this surgery just for gaining others’ satisfaction, it’s better to think twice.

What should I do to perform an arm lift surgery in Iran?

Before having any cosmetic surgery, you should find a knowledgeable specialist to ensure you have made a rational decision. Instead of going through this time-consuming process on your own, it’s better to consult with medical tourism experts in Iran and express all your needs, concerns, and expectations so that they can help you in the best way. Considering your overall situation, they will give you useful tips and clarify the steps you need to take. After providing you with complete information on arm lift specialists, a surgeon whose aesthetic sensibility aligns well with yours will be chosen. To get more tips on choosing a plastic surgeon, check out our website.

Before any surgery, consult with a specialist to discuss your expectations, express your concerns, and ask questions. Surgeons will help you understand the whole process and determine the technique which best suits your needs. In this case, you can ensure that your desired outcomes will be obtained.

So, Should I get arm lift done in Iran?

Considering the significance of all the above-mentioned issues, Iranian experts are highly recommended for performing such cosmetic surgeries specially arm lifts. They are well-known and carry out similar procedures successfully every year.

Additionally, if you decide to get these surgeries in Iran’s specialized clinics, you will be offered the most up-to-date services with a low cost. Thus, you can save a considerable amount of money while traveling to this beautiful country for enhancing your appearance.

Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Video

Arm Lift or Brachioplasty is way to remove saggy skin from the arms

Cost of Arm Lift in Iran

There is a dramatic difference between the cost of arm lift in Iran and other countries. This operation usually costs $4,500 in the U.S., $3,800 in Europe, $3,700 in Thailand and $2,700 in Turkey. In Iran, more than 24,000 arm lifts are successfully conducted each year and the figure is rising.

The most important reasons for this matter are:
  • Low cost of arm lift in Iran
  • Low cost of accommodation in Iran
  • Experienced and knowledgeable doctors

Average arm lift cost in Iran ranges from $1,000 to $3,500 based on the surgeon's reputation and level of expertise, the complexity of the procedure, and similar issues.

It’s important to note that highly up-do-date facilities and efficient services are offered in Iran’s specialized clinics. You can also save a considerable amount of money if you have these cosmetic surgeries in Iran since they are done with a low cost.

In a nutshell, if you are thinking of undergoing cosmetic surgeries, specially arm lift, it’s reasonable to have Iran at the top of your priority list of options.

$ 1000
$ 2700
$ 3700
$ 3800
$ 4500

Medical visa for Arm Lift in Iran

Depending on your case, getting a visa might have a different process. Nonetheless, there is no need to worry about such issues because medical tourism companies can simplify the whole procedure for you. Considering your case, they will check all the options and determine the best kind of visa for you. For getting medical visa of Iran, you need to provide the Iran MFA (Ministry of foreign affairs) enough information about the treatments you are going to have in Iran. After checking the files, the specialist presents his/her diagnose or orders more examinations.

Things to know about Arm Lift in Iran

Arm Lift Procedure and Techniques:

Surgeons can carry out this surgery either in an office with up-to-date facilities or a specialized clinic depending on the complexity of the procedure determined in advance.

A Brachioplasty usually takes one to two hours to complete if performed as a standalone procedure. You can undergo other similar surgeries as well to meet your needs. Despite the fact that doctors can employ various techniques, the whole process is completed in the same way. First, cosmetic specialists make an incision underneath and to the back of the arm, extending down toward the elbow. Incision length and pattern highly depends on the amount and location of extra skin. After making the incision, surgeons remove excess skin from the arm. At the end of the operation, the incision will be closed using several stitches. You don’t need to worry about them since they will be removed after a week or two.

Different techniques commonly used in an arm lift are explained below:
  • Traditional arm lift: In this procedure, the surgeon removes a large amount of skin and fatty tissue from the armpit to the elbow. This technique can be suitable for patients with considerable amounts of excess skin and fat in their upper arms.
  • Extended arm lift: Through this operation, specialists remove fatty tissue and saggy skin underneath the arm and solve all the problems you have related to areas on the side of your body.
  • Hidden arm lift (limited incision Brachioplasty): This surgery is mostly conducted along with liposuction. Surgeons make an incision in the crease of the underarm. This procedure can be an effective solution for people with moderate amounts of fat and drooping skin.
  • Liposuction only: This technique is used to reshape the arm for some patients depending on their needs. It only needs a small incision and is so appropriate specially for candidates with good skin elasticity, little to no excess skin, and a small amount of fat. The recovery process is so short as well.
  • CoolSculpting: This is a nonsurgical option which is selected when surgeons should reduce a modest amount of fat. Remember that this technique cannot do anything about saggy, hanging skin.

Pre-Operative Considerations for Arm Lift:

Before having this operation, you should talk about your goals and expectations, medical conditions such as drug allergies, and current medications like vitamins or herbal supplements you use.

Then, your surgeon will:
  • Review your medical history
  • Ask you about previous surgeries
  • Evaluate your overall health
  • Examines your upper arms and skin thoroughly
  • Order some lab tests
  • Take photos for your medical record
  • Ask you to stop smoking since tobacco will promote wrinkling of the skin and slows both recovery and healing process
  • Ask you to avoid taking some medications like aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements for a while before and after the operation since they can increase bleeding and bruising
  • Discuss the available options
  • Determine the best kind of treatment

Recovery Time of Arm Lift Surgery:

After the surgery, you may experience swelling or bruising but there is no need to worry since they disappear after a few days. It’s important to elevate your arms as much as you can to prevent such complications. The stitches will be absorbed as well after a week or two. During this period, you should avoid lifting objects or physical exercises. Then, you can do your routine daily activities if approved by your specialist. Undoubtedly, if you follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully, the recovery process will be accelerated.

Tips for Brachioplasty Recovery:

Following your surgeon’s instructions is a must. Feel free to contact your specialist if you have questions or concerns about the recovery process. In general, the useful tips provided below can help you throughout the process:

  • Arrange several follow up appointments with your doctor
  • Take the prescribed medication as explained
  • Take at least two weeks off work
  • Avoid doing any physical activity till cleared by your specialist
  • Wear loose fitting tops
  • Do not remove the bandages without your doctor’s permission
  • Eat healthy foods and drink a lot of water

Arm Lift Results:

After going through the recovery process, results will gradually appear. By removing loose skin, an arm lift can improve your appearance. It’s important to know that the results of arm lift surgery can be everlasting only if you maintain a stable weight through regular exercising. Living a healthy lifestyle is also significant. However, there are two points that worth mentioning. The first one is related to the aging process.

As you get older, your skin usually loses its elasticity and firmness and becomes drooping gradually. Unfortunately, none of these operations can stop the aging process. The second issue should be highlighted about cosmetic surgeries in general. While all patients want to achieve their favorable goals through such operations, there is no guarantee. In some cases, based on patients’ needs and expectations, surgeons may have to employ a variety of techniques. Thus, it’s better to think about this matter in advance and consult with your doctor about it.

Arm Lift Scar

Depending on the patient’s age, scars heal in different ways. Sometimes, they might exist for up to a year or two. However, you don’t need to worry about their visibility since your surgeon will elaborate on such complications thoroughly before performing the operation. The scar redness will disappear after a while as well by taking the medication prescribed and following the tips.

Different Types of Arm Lift in Iran

Mini Brachioplasty

Mini-arm lift, also known as mini-brachioplasty, is carried out to remove a minor amount of extra fat or skin that usually occurs under the upper arms because of aging process or significant weight loss. Unlike a regular arm lift in which a scar will be made that runs under the arm from elbow to armpit, in a mini arm lift, surgeons locate the scar in the armpit where it is much less noticeable.

It’s important to note that this procedure is performed only for healthy adults with loose skin under the upper arm. Make sure to consult with an experienced specialist in advance since they can select the best course of action for you considering your expectations and needs.

Bilateral Brachioplasty

If you’ve lost a considerable amount of weight and are worried about your sagging arms, bilateral brachioplasty can be an effective solution for you.

There are various reasons why a bilateral brachioplasty might be a suitable option for you. Regardless of the particular reasons you have, this operation can enhance your appearance to a great extent and make you look slimmer or even younger. Candidates must be nonsmokers at a stable weight and in good overall health. If approved by your surgeon, this operation can be performed in combination with other cosmetic procedures like a breast augmentation, facelift or liposuction.

Invisible Arm Lift Surgery

The invisible arm lift is a complicated process in which the loose skin on the upper arms will be tightened or removed if necessary to improve the look of this area. It is highly recommended to individuals who have lost considerable weight or are annoyed by the extra skin on their upper arms. Considering the complexity of this procedure, the skills and experience of cosmetic surgeons are challenged to a great extent.

Therefore, it’s better to consult with medical tourism experts in Iran beforehand to be informed of the process you should go through and achieve your desired outcomes. They will give you useful tips and clarify the steps you need to take. Meanwhile, you can express all your needs, concerns, and expectations so that they can help you in the best way. To get more tips in this regard, check out our website.

Arm Lift Hospitals in Iran


Women and men who are in good overall health but suffer from drooping skin or fat in the upper arm can think of arm lift as a possible option. This is also suitable for nonsmokers with stable weight. Candidates should have realistic expectations as well. In other words, you should get this surgery for enhancing your appearance. If you want to have this surgery just for gaining others’ satisfaction, it’s better to think twice.

Experienced plastic surgeons try their best to make incisions as minimal as possible to help patients get rid of their hanging skin. They are often located on the underside of the upper arm, but may extend toward the elbow depending on the amount of skin that needs to be removed. Fortunately, all the scars will fade away as time passes.

Although an arm lift improves the arms’ overall contour, it will not affect the muscles. If you aim to achieve a toned look, it’s better to exercise on a regular basis. Patients should remember that strenuous activities are totally restricted after the operation for about a week or two. But afterwards, they can do their routine activities.

Depending on patients’ needs and expectations, specialists may use liposuction along with an arm lift to obtain the desired results. Despite the fact that there are various types of liposuction available these days, cosmetic surgeons commonly use two of them. Both of them use fluid infiltration to remove the fat; either standard Suction-Assisted Lipetomy (SAL) or Ultrasonic-Assisted Lipectomy (UAL). The second one uses sound waves to break up the fat tissue. In some cases, these techniques might be adopted at the same time.

While patients should avoid lifting heavy objects and doing strenuous exercises for at least a week, they can resume their daily activities when the healing process is completed. Depending on the complexity of the procedure conducted by the surgeon, this process may take about a few weeks. Typically, walking, cycling, and light exercising are permitted, whereas weight lifting, yoga, or pilates will be restricted for several weeks.


A mini arm lift is a scaled-down version of a complete arm lift operation. This is not a common term since cosmetic specialists always customize the surgery to suit their patients’ goals. In general, a procedure which is called “mini arm lift” may involve a shorter than average scar and only minimal removal of extra skin and fat. Undoubtedly, this technique may be suitable for some patients only, not all of them.

No. Majority of patients will not enjoy the results from liposuction alone that they would from a complete arm lift. Liposuction can only address one of the issues that is tackled in an arm lift; excess fat. If patients suffer from saggy hanging skin that has not been removed through diets or exercising, they are recommended to think of arm lift as an effective solution. In some cases, liposuction may be carried out along with an arm lift to provide favorable results.