You Need to Answer 15 Questions Before Having Plastic Surgery

Prior preparation is an essential step before getting cosmetic surgeries. Several issues can help you decide if undergoing such operations is an effective solution for you.

  Almost all of us may have a problem in a particular area of our body. It might be due to a genetic trait, the result of an accident, or aging. Unfortunately, in some cases, our problems cannot be solved by consuming a special diet or exercising regularly. The overall shape of our nose, breast size, or extra fat can be mentioned as examples. Although in these situations, the majority of people think of getting plastic surgery to tackle their problem, it might not be an effective solution for everyone. Before thinking of undergoing such operations, you must consider many things seriously. In the very beginning, you may need to ask yourself the following questions:


1. Am I mentally and physically healthy enough to have this surgery?

Before the operation, you should eat nutritious foods, get good sleep, and be as active as you can. Smoking can cause problems with breathing and usually slows recovery from anesthesia and the operation. You have to stop smoking immediately, even if it's just a day or two before surgery. By setting an appointment with your medical team, including the anesthesiologist, you will be thoroughly informed of other steps.


2. Can I make the necessary lifestyle changes, like quitting smoking or losing my extra weight, to obtain my desirable results from the surgery?

When your doctor emphasizes changes in lifestyle, there's no way around it. Your surgeon might ask you to lose weight or quit smoking before you undergo a procedure to ensure a successful and safe outcome. If you are resistant to these suggestions, you need to think more.


3. Do I have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the operation?

"Expectation is the root of all heartache," Billy Shakes (William Shakespeare) said. Thus, you should realistically exam your expectations for the result of your procedure. Despite the fact that all patients expect to achieve their favorable results from cosmetic surgeries, there is always no guarantee. Sometimes, a single procedure cannot help you get your desired outcome, and other operations might be necessary. Consultation with a plastic surgeon and your own research are good ways to understand what a procedure can do for you.


4. Am I getting this surgery for myself or to gain someone else's satisfaction?

Between societal, interpersonal, and cultural expectations, other people's opinions could weigh heavy on making a decision. It means that it's necessary to evaluate just who we're considering having surgery for realistically. If the idea of undergoing an operation is based on your thoughts, beliefs, and opinions about self-improvement, that's great. If that same decision is originated in some life crisis that we're currently going through or is being pushed upon by a "significant other" or "friend," you might want to reconsider.






5. Have I gained detailed knowledge about cosmetic surgery and explored the qualifications of plastic surgeons?

You should have a very solid perception of what your operation is (and what it is not), how it's done, and its recovery and risks. First of all, you must be informed about the physicians' experiences, especially about performing the specific procedure you desire. It is to make sure they are experienced and qualified enough in the related medical field. You can both communicate clearly and honestly about what your procedure will entail and what your results might be. All of these are essential things to take into account when choosing a plastic surgeon and considering a surgical procedure.


6. Have I talked to the plastic surgeon about my medical conditions, drug allergies, and medical treatments I've previously had?

To get your desired results, you should inform your doctor in advance about everything related to your health, such as allergies, asthma, or other lung issues, heart and kidney diseases, diabetes, or any other medical problems. It is also necessary to tell your surgeon whether you snore or have other sleeping disorders since they might be symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. In this case, the operation might not be suitable for you. Creating a list of every prescription and over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and supplements you consume is highly recommended. You may have to stop taking some of them for a while before and after the operation. 


7. Am I ready to follow the instructions pointed out by the surgeon to ensure the success of my procedure throughout the recovery and healing process?

You are the most critical participant in making the big decision to have cosmetic surgery. If you're not ready to be an energetic and active participant in the recovery and success of your operation, then you're not a right candidate for having that specific surgery. 


8. Am I aware of what goes on during the recovery and healing process?

Depending on your procedure, you might need days or even weeks to recover. You must schedule adequate time to recover. Most patients take at least one week off work, but some take up to four, depending on the procedure. During that time, you should rest and avoid doing strenuous physical activities. It's better to ask someone to help you with cooking, house chores, and childcare during your recovery.

It's always essential to manage your expectations about the results of a procedure. It is also necessary to know what to expect during the aftercare phase. Not only managing your expectations about aftercare reduces the stress of recovery, but also it will make it bearable during that period.

To pass the recovery process successfully, you're going to need some assistance in moving, driving, cooking, etc. Depending on your operation, you might need help going to the bathroom. Make sure you have someone around, especially in the first 24 hours after having the surgery. 


9. What is the name of the operation, and how can it help me?

Knowing the name of the procedure differs from knowing what it actually entails. It does not mean that you need to consider the particulars, such as the kind of scalpel your plastic surgeon is using. Still, you should know if the surgery is going to help you achieve the result you want. You should also see whether it is the correct procedure for the body part for which you are seeking enhancement. In addition to it, you must know the medical name of the surgery you want to get since you should confirm it when the hospital or medical team asks.






10. What are the probable risks of the operation I want to have?

Things typically go well with plastic surgery. However, you need to know the complications that come with the particular procedure you are undergoing.

Infection is just one complication that could happen. Also, you ​​will have scars with cosmetic surgery. The scars might not always end up as a nice fine line. Sometimes they can end up widened or raised. These are some of the complications you should consider before having these kinds of surgeries.

Another risk is that despite a flawless technique or what is considered a good outcome by a plastic surgeon and their colleagues, you might not be happy with the final result. This happens when the limitations of the procedure are not discussed thoroughly before surgery. Talk to your plastic surgeon about the potential complications and ask how they can minimize these risks.


11. Why am I getting this surgery?

Obviously, an enhancement in the contour of a particular body part is the major aim. Perhaps you may even desire to gain a boost in self-confidence which is one of the plastic surgeries effects. If you are expecting more than that, you should consider the limitations of your procedure. It's important to note that your plastic surgeon can only manage what occurs inside the operating room. No matter how wonderful the job your plastic surgeon does, it will not guarantee a relationship, a job promotion, or an enhanced social life or social position. Plastic surgery will not cure eating disorders or depression.

So, you should know that not following post-surgery instructions can also result in bad consequences.

Finally, if your target is to look like a Barbie or to have a "perfect" nose or pair of breasts, you might be highly disappointed. Either you might end up looking too "plastic," or you might not think you look "good enough." Your goal should be an improvement.


12. Are there any other options besides having plastic surgeries?

It is essential to know because plastic surgery is not without risks. If you can improve your diet or exercise on a regular basis to get rid of your excess fat, you don't need to think of plastic surgeries. Otherwise, you can make sure that undergoing such operations is the only option available for you. Not having surgery at all is an alternative.


13. Can I hide the stitches?

You are highly recommended to think of this question in advance since scars are mostly made in all plastic surgeries. You have to know where your scars will be placed. It is especially important if you wear bikinis, low-cut pants or shirts, etc., or if your line of work involves skin exposure.

Don't believe the hype that plastic surgeons perform "Scarless surgery." Plastic surgeons know where to hide or camouflage scars, and take pride in their incision closures. This is what the patient often uses to define whether or not an operation is successful. Don't be afraid to ask about them.


14. How much does it cost? And can I afford it?

Plastic surgery is not cheap! Whether you are financing your surgery or you are paying cash, you have to determine if you could afford plastic surgery. Is there anything in your life that will take a big hit if you put money toward plastic surgery? This is especially true if you are financing your surgery. Long after you've recovered, are you willing to still be paying off your operation? You'll still have to pay, even if the outcomes are not exactly what you wanted.


15. Can I go through additional procedures if necessary?

You may need revision surgery, which is not uncommon with plastic surgery. It usually involves undergoing an operation again to improve upon prior surgery. It can be a small procedure that requires only local anesthesia or can be more significant.