Do's And Don'ts During Rhinoplasty Recovery

To help you reach your goals after having a nose job, doctors will provide you with a list of do’s and don’ts.

Prior to any surgery you intend to have whether cosmetic or medical, you must give a firm commitment. It mainly includes selecting an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon, searching about the procedure, understanding the probable risks, etc. To make sure that you are moving on the right track, It’s better to consult a specially-trained plastic surgeon at first. During the last decade, Iranian surgeons have become fairly popular in carrying out these operations specifically rhinoplasty. The major reason behind this popularity is that they do many surgeries successfully every year and they have vast knowledge and considerable experience specially in this field. In addition, rhinoplasty cost in Iran is so low. Thus, if you decide to have rhinoplasty in Iran, you can save a significant amount of money and enjoy your time in this beautiful country.
Besides, the other important part of your commitment is held to be related to the recovery process. This period plays a significant role in the success of any operation particularly rhinoplasty. Before going through the stages, your doctor will raise your awareness of the fact that you have a big part in achieving your favorable outcomes. After elaborating on the whole process, your surgeon will then give you a complete list of the things to do and not do. The main points are mentioned in the following:


• Do take a lot of deep (exasperated) breaths right after operation, along with wiggling your toes occasionally in bed and walking around a bit. All of these actions can help keep your circulation going and avoid blood clots. You do not want blood clots.
• Do give yourself a considerable time away from work or school during recovery time. A good gage as to when you could get back to your day to day will be how well you are healing and how strenuous your job is. You should be able to return to usual activities after three weeks.
One of the useful things you can do in the first weeks following nose job is to simply relax. You do not have to be bedridden, but you also should not feel that you can run about and get a lot of things done. Use the recovery time to catch up on a few movies, books, or TV shows. You are free to take short walks as you gradually recover, to help keep your blood flowing and to help decrease the chance of constipation.
• Do continue to avoid smoking. If you were a smoker before your operation, the odds are that your doctor told you to leave the habit several weeks before your surgery. Smoking is dangerous because it will interfere with the safety of the operation and can negatively affect the final results. Nicotine slows down blood flow, which could make you more likely to scar. The drug also disrupts healing.
Generally, surgeons advise preventing smoking for at least another two weeks after your nose job. By the time two weeks have passed following your operation, you’ll have quit cigarettes for at least one full month, meaning you might not even want to resume the habit again. If you are having trouble dealing with not smoking after your operation, your surgeon can offer guidance and help.
• Do remain your head elevated as much as possible following surgery; this means sleeping with two pillows at night. The elevation of your head can help bring down swelling. Swelling is par for the course following rhinoplasty. While you can’t prevent it, you can do somethings that will reduce it or keep it from becoming worse. The best things are to remain your head elevated at all times. At the time of relaxing, try sitting in a recliner that’s set at a 45-degree angle. Use several pillows on your bed to keep your head propped up during rest or sleeping. You will also want to sleep on your back so that you don’t put any pressure on your healing nose. In addition to these personal techniques, your doctor may prescribe some medications to reduce swelling considering the severity of the procedure and your overall health condition.
• Do take any antihistamine or pain medication as needed, but try to replace pain meds with Tylenol immediately. If you enjoy your ‘private’ bathroom time, you will want to wean yourself off of pain meds as soon as possible, as they can cause constipation.
• Do follow the instructions. Your doctor will give you a list of pre- and post-operative instructions. These instructions are crucial to your roadmap to a successful recovery and there are no shortcuts. Take it. Read it. Live it. 
• Do stop taking any pills. Your doctor's directive to stop taking aspirin, Advil, or other similar medication for at least two weeks before and after the operation is not a recommendation. Stopping the usage of these medications or any medication that may thin the blood is imperative if you want to prevent bleeding excessively during operation. Don't make your surgeon’s job harder than it needs to be.



• Don’t lift heavy objects; don’t even overexert yourself with activities like heavy housework. All activities that have the word ‘heavy’ attached to it—don’t. This may seem redundant as you have undoubtedly agreed to prevent heavy exercise following the operation, but this issue is so important that is why it might be repeated for several times. Though, taking light walks is a good idea starting about a day or so following your operation. Undoubtedly, you will be permitted to go for a walk only if your doctor approves. You should stay out of the gym and prevent any strenuous exercise for at least a month. Any activities that could injure your nose potentially, such as tennis, baseball, and soccer, should be prevented for about six weeks, or until your doctor gives you the all-clear. The same is true for swimming since the chlorine in most pools could irritate your healing nasal passages.
• Don’t take any medicine without your doctor’s approval. If you’re still taking painkillers or medicines, always read the box carefully and consult your doctor to make sure that they won’t interfere with the recovery and healing process. Some surgeons suggest avoiding aspirin or anti-inflammatory medicines, including ibuprofen, for two weeks after surgery, so it might be that you could take some but not others. Aside from the drugs, ensure you have a designated friend (much like a designated driver) to look out for you while you are out. It might sound silly, but alcohol can throw your self-awareness off, and you really don’t want to bash/fall on your nose!
• Don’t travel on an airplane during the first month. It is important that you wait four weeks before flying short-haul, and eight weeks before flying long-haul. There’s no cheating recovery, no matter how keen you are to fill your grid with every beach in Split! Not only will you be away from the care of your patient advisor and doctor, but you can also increase the risk of sinus blockage by traveling on a plane too early. Take it from us: it’s best to wait until you can fly, jump in a pool, wear sunglasses, and dance with your friends with no limits!
• Don’t wear glasses or sunglasses for at least a few weeks. If you wear glasses, you already understand how they tend to affect just about every part of your life, if only in subtle ways. So if you are considering rhinoplasty, you have probably already wondered about how the surgery will affect your glasses.
It is, after all, very essential that you protect your nose after undergoing a nose job. Moreover, the surgery will indeed impact your ability to wear your glasses for a few weeks following operation. 
By the way, you won’t have to put your glasses away for a long period of time. In the immediate aftermath of your surgery, you can wear your glasses like normal. They may rest on the bridge of your nose when you wear your splint. Once the splint is eradicated, however, you would need to keep your glasses off the bridge of your nose for at least three or four weeks.
You have a couple of options at this point. You can use bridgeless sunglasses, or go to your local pharmacy and ask about a small device that clamps onto the rims of your glasses and lets them rest on your cheeks rather than of the bridge of your nose. Lastly, you can always tape your glasses to your forehead. As you can see, you have plenty of options. Whichever route you decide to choose, you have to be confident that there are solutions, and you should not let your glasses get in the way of your nose job.
• Don’t expose yourself to sunlight. Indeed, due to the fact that your nose is such a prominent facial feature, it is best to avoid any sort of risk related to sun damage that can affect surgical outcomes. Some of the most common issues caused by sun exposure include:

Excessive Swelling: Exposure to heat after the operation can lead to increasing swelling. Since swelling is usually in the first days after nose job, sun exposure may lead to excessive and potentially harmful amounts of facial swelling.


Scarring: When scar tissue is exposed to the sun, it might make the scars much more visible. Given, nose job typically involves subtle incisions. Sometimes the entire operation is completed with all incisions made inside the candidate's nostrils. Even still, it’s best to protect the nose from the sun and prevent anything that makes scare tissue worse.


Poor Final Results: The nose is quite delicate after the nose job, which means that any complications or serious side effects can negatively influence the final look of the nose. It’s best to prevent the sun and avoid the need for revision surgery.

• Don’t put anything in your nose. A saltwater nasal spray can help prevent crusting after the operation that may tempt you to pick your nose.
• Don't sneeze or blow your nose for a couple of weeks. If you can prevent blowing or sneezing your nose, do it. If you have to sneeze, expel the sneeze via your mouth, not your nose.
• Don't be impatient. Successful nose job surgery is a process, and with a little perseverance, you will continue to look and enjoy your new look as time goes on. Rhinoplasty is a complicated procedure that is why the more you take care you of yourself specially during the recovery process, the better you will feel about your appearance afterwards.
• Don’t attend gatherings for a couple of weeks. The reason is that an inadvertent bump to the nose is going to hurt like hell, and in the worst cases, may move the nasal bone out of place and/or require a corrective operation. Gesticulation will be your mortal enemy for the next few weeks.
Following all these points will definitely help you avoid some common complications and side effects such as post-operative bleeding. To all plastic surgeons, bleeding is a primary concern which may occur within a few days after undergoing a surgery and might even last for two or even three weeks. 
Regardless of how well you believe you’re healing, you have to take care of yourself until your doctor assures you that you can get back to your normal life. Thus, be patient and behave accordingly to obtain your favorable results.