12 Simple Tips to Have Healthy Beautiful Hair!

Instead of using expensive products for hair care, it’s better to develop some regular healthy habits to have shiny smooth hair.

 Hair is always associated with beauty. People, whether men or women want to have beautiful smooth hair. In spite of the fact that there are many products available in the market for those in favor of having healthy hair, it's hard to find someone who is fully satisfied with their hair. The main reason is that all of us want this beauty factor to be the best all the time, but this is impossible if we do not look after it. 

 To help you get a step closer to your dream, we will give you some helpful tips to keep your scalp healthy to grow silky beautiful hair and help you maintain having it.


1. Protect Your Hair from Heat

 Too much heat often damages the hair. It leads to dry, broken and brittle hair with split ends. In other words, your hair won't have its natural state anymore. It's important to note that you don't have to avoid the heat, but you must be careful with how much you use it and your technique. As the saying goes, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. Here are a few tips:

- Use heat tools that have optional settings (not just "on/off"), and use the medium or low settings at most, not the highest degree for a long time.

- Prepare your hair before heat styling at the conditioning and cleansing stage to make sure it is well hydrated.

- Use a heat protectant to act as a barrier between your hair and your hair tool to avoid damage.

 Although taking a hot shower after a long day is fantastic, scalding hot water dries your hair out. For those with dyed hair, it washes out the color faster than cold water. While a cold shower may not sound ideal, lukewarm is recommended to protect your hair and skin.



2. Maintain a Healthy Diet

 It is vital to have a healthy diet in order to have a healthy scalp and good hair. The food you eat should have all the vital nutrients that are crucial for the health of your scalp.

 Green leafy vegetables, beans, eggs, nuts, fish, and chicken are good sources of protein that assist hair health and growth. You do not have to become vegan, but it is better to include healthy veggies and fruits in your diet and drink a lot of water. It will give your hair follicles the nutrients needed to help your strands thrive.

 Consume foods rich in antioxidants, because they boost metabolism blood circulation, which is necessary for a healthy scalp.

 This healthy hair habit may seem like it has nothing to do with your actual hair: a balanced diet. "Protein is the building block of hair because hair is keratinized protein," says Stephen Pullan, trichologist (or hair specialist) at the Philip Kingsley Trichological Clinic. Hair is considered a non-essential tissue, so the body doesn't send protein to hair follicles first. It focuses on essential organs, like the heart or liver, but if you're eating enough, the body will be able to distribute protein where it's needed. Another essential nutrient is Iron. "It's an energy source for the hair," Pullan says. "It's a mineral the hair needs." In fact, studies have shown that Iron deficiency has been linked to female patterned hair loss. However, don't worry if you're a vegetarian; you can still work protein into your diet.


3. Take Dietary Supplements

 A daily supplement will work along with your diet to fill in whatever nutrients you might be lacking and promote healthy hair growth.

 Remember: Before taking any supplement, consult a dermatologist to understand what supplements work best for you, depending on your hair type. These kinds of supplements will give you the necessary nutrients for a healthier scalp.


4. Massage Your Scalp

 A soothing scalp massage every few nights helps stimulate the hair follicles. It enhances blood flow to the scalp to encourage healthy growth. Massaging improves blood circulation in the scalp significantly. It also evenly spreads the oils that you massage to make the roots strong and help to keep your hair hydrated.



 A massage with coconut oil increases the chances of healthy, long, and strong hair. Hair oils are effective for hair growth and act as natural conditioners as they are packed with crucial vitamins that are required for your scalp health.


5. Brush your hair in the right way

 Although brushing your hair is a healthy habit, brushing more than once a day can be harmful. Excess brushing breaks weak ends and stretches the hair. Brush once a day by a plastic brush. Bristle brushes are particularly tough on hair, as mentioned by Pullan.

 Brushing wet hair may result in hair fall since, at that time, the hair roots are soft and can quickly lose its grip. Let your hair dry before you comb.


6. Wash Your Hair wisely

 When it comes to choosing the right shampoo, people go for the popular ones in the market, but it is better to buy a mild shampoo. Shampoos containing sulfates remove the hair of its natural moisture. Instead, reach for a moisturizing Sulfate-Free Shampoo, which gently cleanses while moisturizing the hair.



 Washing your hair with shampoo very often can harm your hair and make the scalp dry. Also, your hair will lose moisture. It will also rinse away the crucial oils from the scalp that travel from roots along the hair tip. A dry and itchy scalp may be a reason for hair loss.

 A dirty scalp full of buildup can clog pores and follicles and substantially slow down healthy growth. How often you wash your hair is up to you, depending on your daily routine, how much product you use, and so on.


7. Condition Your Hair Regularly

 It is essential to condition your hair from time to time. Use a mild conditioner, the same as a mild shampoo. Using an appropriate amount of conditioner will keep your hair smooth and shiny. It will also keep your hair free from knots that will not lay stress on your hair roots and will stop hair breakage. It helps manage frizzy hair while adding shine and volume to it.

 Although overnight conditioning might be popular, it's unnecessary and can cause damage to your strands. Do not leave your deep conditioner on for longer than the period suggested in the directions. 

 Both dermatologists and hairstylists agree on this healthy hair habit: apply a deep conditioner into your weekly hair care routine for extra hydration. 


8. Swap Products with the Weather

 While the idea that your hair may build up resistance to products is a myth, certain hair products are indeed better for different seasons. In winter, the products you use should be hydrating and moisturizing. In summer, you can switch to lighter products that won't weigh hair down in the humidity and heat.


9. Protect Your Hair

 Since the sun oxidizes your hair and dries it out, using a hat is highly recommended. It protects your face from the sun, your hair from dehydrating, and your scalp from burning. 

 To prevent hair damage, protect it with a scarf or hat whenever you go out, especially in harsh or dusty weather. Although this is a simple tip, many people often neglect it. Protecting your scalp is another critical step towards hair care. Whenever you go out, the sun and dust take away your hair's moisture. As a result, buying a cute hat can be a perfect gift for someone who wants to have healthy hair.





10. No Stress!

 Although this is easier said than done, simply the best thing you can do to have healthy hair is to relax. Stress will show up in our skin as well as our hair. So try to reduce your stress as much as possible. It's good to know that stress may lead to premature grey hair growth in the mid-20s.

 Remember that the health of your hair is more important than its length. Focus on its health, and before you even realize it, the length will come!


11. Do not Touch Your Hair All the Time

 Some people are so sensitive about their hair to the point they always touch it to make sure that it looks fine. Nervous people touch their hair so much as well. It's important to note that they should give up this unhealthy habit immediately because it leads to hair loss and thinning hair in both women and men. Some people are used to putting their hair into a tight ponytail. It applies so much pressure on the hair shaft and will cause hair loss as time passes. Indeed, constant mild pulling on the follicle traumatizes the hair over time. It might not be annoying at first, but after a few years, a receding hairline will appear, which significantly affects your beauty. Even when you suffer from split ends, you should not pick at them all the time. The best thing you can do is leaving your hair alone. 


12. Avoid Using Hair dyes

 Almost all hair colors are ammonia-based. It is a bleaching agent and can easily harm your scalp and damage your hair. Hair colors take away the moisture of your hair and leave them dry. In such cases, you always need to use other products to moisturize your hair. Based on the results of several studies that have been carried out about this matter, those who dye their hair frequently will put themselves at a higher risk of breast cancer.



 Instead of using chemical-based hair colors, it's better to try natural hair colors that are not harsh and do not damage your hair and scalp. We recommend these kinds of hair dyes since they can protect your hair and boost hair growth. Taking the supplements rich in vitamins and minerals can be helpful as well.


 By practicing these healthy hair habits, you can ensure that you will have the healthiest hair ever and reach any hair-related goals you pursue.